Specific Topics

Sermons by our VCC pastors are available in video form for those that were streamed, in audio form (all sermons), and in many series of booklets arranged by the topic and years presented.

God’s Word is Sufficient!

Our 2025 Theme of the Year is going to focus upon the inspired Scriptures. Specifically, that God’s Word is sufficient to redeem, to guide and to provide a living hope! Our time and place in history provides both great opportunity and great risk. We are not going to be prepared to seize the one and avoid the other, unless we share God’s thoughts, affections and purposes. And we are not going to do that unless we are thoroughly grounded in His perfect and eternal Word. So join us and see if our time together might stimulate you to know God more deeply through His Word.

To Be Like Jesus

Our 2024 Summer Study-Join us during the summer of 2024 in taking a look at what it means to "Be Like Jesus"!  We'll begin by taking a look at:  Is it biblical?  Is it possible?  And if so, what are the means of making progress?  By the time we are done, we'll have a marvelous picture of what God desires to do in the life of every Christian as they learn to manifest the life of Christ in any and every circumstance.

The Prevailing Christian

Our “2024 Theme for the Year”, is "The Prevailing Christian". The Prevailing Christian seeks to steadfastly walk by faith, walk by the Spirit, and in doing so manifest the life of Christ always and everywhere. We should desire to be that kind of Christian! To do so, we will have to become sensitive to those things which will hinder us achieving our goal—and reject them; as well as being careful to appropriate everything that God has provided that we be the follower of Jesus Christ He intends for us to be.

An Intermediate Overview

 of End Times

Our 2024 Tuesday Summer Bible Study.  Understanding how the Old Testament is used in the New Testament through the framework of God's promise to bless the whole world through Abraham.

The Prevailing Church

Our “2023 Theme for the Year”, the Prevailing Church, is identified by our Lord in Matthew 16:18, and is the kind of church that pushes back against the enclaves of spiritual darkness found everywhere in our fallen world. We desire to be that kind of church—and this series is an effort to describe what that entails and investigate the characteristics of the kind of church that Jesus is building. 

Reading Ahead

This narrative in two-booklets is extracted from Pastor Redig's 2021 summer sermon series on the topic of prophecy. The books provide twelve prophecy topics.

Book 1 presents Topics I through VI. God has always been pleased to reveal what is to come! Contrasting Israel and the Church.

Book 2 provides Topics VII through XII. Tribulation can cause a turning to Christ.  The Eternal State.

Understanding the Present Time.

In 2022 Pastor Redig preached a sermon that contained a snapshot of current times in the world in general, and America in particular, as they pertain to the Church. Because it is topical, Pastor Kevin indicated that he would likely update this book as time goes by.

Sanctification Sermon Series

Encompassing six volumes, these three books more fully describe the wonderfully comprehensive nature of the plan and provision of God for our sanctification under the title, Putting Together the Pieces of Sanctification:

Book 1: Volume 1-The What and Why of Sanctification, and Volume 2-Sanctification Cause and Effect.

Book 2:  Volume 3-The Positionally Sanctified Are Secure, and Volume 4-The Means of Sanctification.

Book 3: Volume 5-Rightly Dividing the Word of His Grace, and Volume 6--God Undergirds Our Sanctification.

Love for Israel

Bruce Scott, regional director for the Friends of Israel out of Phoenix, recently taught a three-lesson series entitled Love for Israel at Vistoso Church. These lessons are critical to understanding that we follow God's clear instructions in our support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Lessons on Prophecy-Publications

Our sermon series for the summer of 2014 investigated the subject of prophecy. The response by the congregation at Vistoso Community Church was so encouraging, that with the help of a few well-placed hints, I began to put the content of our summer series to paper. I hope that you will find it to be a blessing. More specifically, I hope it will order your thinking about God’s plans for the future, and as a result make a difference in the way you live your life from this study for-Things to Come and Why They  matter.

Book 1: Our So Great Salvation

Book 2:  Today If You Hear HIS Voice. . .

Book 3: The Second Coming of Christ

Book 4: The Tribulation

Book 5: The Believing Will Be Leaving, Part 1

Book 6: The Believing Will Be Leaving, Part 2

Book 7: The Signs of the Times

Book 8: Two Destinies

Book 9: Above the Fray

Book 10:  Connecting the Pieces

Published Topical Sermons-Single Publication

Our God Stands Alone.  It is comforting for the committed Christian to know that, even in today's increasingly indifferent world, our God stands alone and is worthy of our trust and worship.

Rejoice.  The messages in this book are based upon the VCC theme for 2016: Rejoice that your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:20)

The Fear of the Lord Is it important? What is it? How do we develop it?

The One Thing. There is something that must stand behind both your ministry and your walk.

What is God?  Is He Trustworthy! Based upon Psalms 57 and 91, this book contains sermon messages from a series preached on the Psalms.

When the Shaking is Close to Home. This book is based upon Psalm 11:3: If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? It covers the promises of God that Christians have to count on when their personal foundations are shaken.

But Let a Man Examine Himself.   These readings were inspired by a booklet called “21 Days with Jesus at the Foot of the Cross."

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