
Our Approach to Missions

Vistoso Community Church (VCC) has historically placed a strong emphasis on missions, and to that end has committed a significant amount of time and resources. You can read more about our vision for missions and other church ministry at the following link: Vision. 


We implement our love for missions through what we call our Church-directed Missions Program.  What that means is that at the local church level, we have made the effort to seek out individual missionaries and missions enterprises to which we can provide direct support and establish a personal relationship. For us, this is a better option than simply providing funds to a large missions organization where it is hard to know what the funds are used for or to whom they are disbursed.


To expand further, our church-directed program allows for the following:


First, the VCC Congregation can be more closely involved with the missionaries and missions projects we support. This allows us to become aware of needs we can meet as well as focused prayer for those we support.


Second, we can choose to better focus our efforts on those areas of specific concern to us. These include: support of missionaries and missions projects that contribute to fulfilling the command to “Go, make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19–20); the training of pastors, which if done properly can impact entire congregations; and the translation and distribution of the Scriptures. 


Last, it allows us to align our selection of missionaries and missions enterprise with the kinds of spiritual things we care most about as a local church.  For example, as we ourselves are seeking to finish on a spiritual “high note,” we have undertaken to help a number of older missionaries who have lost support and are struggling to continue. What a blessing it has been to help those who have given their lives to translation ministry bring the work to completion by putting the Word of God into the hands of the people in their own language.


In summary, Vistoso Community Church supports local, national, and international missionaries and missions enterprises that are found in diverse locations and are quite varied. In every case, they are in reasonable agreement with our Mission Statement and Core Values. You can obtain more detailed information regarding all of our missions support by picking up a copy of our annual missions guide at the church. And of course, you can direct followup questions to our pastors or any of the many members of our Missions Committee. 

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