The Christian Life-Starting with the Basics
Beginning with the temporary closing of the church in March of 2020 due to COVID restrictions, Pastor Kevin began a streaming series of lessons on The Christian Life. The first series of eight lessons focused on the things that every Christian needs to know--the Basics.
Introduction to the Series First, this is a collection of lessons on the Christian Way of Life. As you can tell from the graphic, I am thinking about the path we are to take—the life God wants us to live—as Christians. More specifically, I have in mind one of the three aspects of our salvation. Not the first phase, for that occurs at the point in time when we place our faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ and forever change our eternal destiny from one in the Lake of Fire to one in the presence of God in His heaven. What I have in mind is the second phase of our salvation, which consists of however many days God gives us on this earth as Christians—from the very day we place our faith in Christ until the day He calls us home to glory! It is during this period of time, whether long or short, that we are called to live the Christian Life. The Bible describes it in many ways: the call to walk worthy of who we are in Christ, the call to redeem the time, and to be imitators of God.
Pastor Kevin Redig