Books of the Bible

The Book of Philippians-One Passion!

The Book of Philippians is the current VCC sermon series.  Every book of the Bible has a specific role in the larger purpose of God’s revelation to us.  And in the course of study, Pastor Kevin Redig also comes away with a sense that God has a message for His Church--right now!  That message is encapsulated in in this series titled: Philippians-One Passion!  For Paul’s passion to live for Christ, share the Gospel of Christ and to know Christ comes to the fore in every chapter.  With all the drama going on around us, all of which seeks to distract us from our heavenly calling, what better challenge for us today,  than to share in Paul’s passion for Christ?"

1 Thessalonians:  Eagerly Expecting Jesus

Eagerly Expecting Jesus: A series by Pastor Michael Haltom, focused on Paul's writings to the church in Thessalonica to encourage them to increase even more in their love toward God, their love toward their fellow believers in the church, and their love toward those outside the church. Paul exhorts them to live in the light of knowing that the Lord Jesus’ return will come suddenly, like a thief in the night.

Truth in Sequence: The Book of Romans

Beginning in September of 2021, Pastor Kevin Redig's verse-by-verse discussion of Paul's letter to the church in Rome continued into early 2024. The Book of Romans presents "the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all the Scriptures." (Swindoll)

There are seven books scheduled for publication based upon this series of sermons in the book of Romans. As we publish each, we will add them to this listing:

Book 1:   Introducing the Gospel of Christ

Book 2:  Justification by Faith

Book 3:  The Breadth and Depth of Our Justification

Book 4:  Our Sanctification

Book 5:  The Law of the Spirit of Life

Book 6:  Sonship and Adoption

Book 7:  Certainty in Uncertain Times

Video Series Audio Series

Gleanings from Isaiah

"Gleanings from Isaiah" is the 2023 summer series. This prophetic message to the kingdom of Judah provides a wonderful illustration of many truths of which we, the church, need to be constantly reminded. For things like repentance from sin, appropriating God’s grace and walking by faith have always been part of God’s calling to His people.

Lessons from the Book of John--Abiding in Christ:

This series addresses one of the most fundamental and marvelous cause and effect passages in God’s Word in terms of the focus of the Christian Life and the indirect means by which God intends to produce fruit in our lives, that which is of value to Him and blessing to us! “Abide in Me, and I in you.” John 15:4

There are two books from sermons based upon John 15 on Abiding in Christ:

Book 1:  "Abide in Me, and I in You!

Book 2: "Abide in Me, and I in You!"

Lessons from the Book of Hebrews

The Book of Hebrews was the source of an ongoing sermon series from 2019 through the spring of 2021.

Books in the sermon series on the Book of Hebrews include:

Book 1:  Our So Great Salvation, from Chapters 1 and 2

Book 2:  Today If You Hear HIS Voice. . . from Chapter 3

Book 3:   Entering the Rest of Faith, from Chapters 3 and 4

Lessons from the Book of Galatians

The sermons from Galatians covered two important topics: Two books on the importance of Guarding the Gospel from Chapters 1 and 2 and three books on Living the Christian Life from Chapters 3-6

Guarding the Gospel. This explanation of the importance of guarding the message of the Gospel and not adding anything to it or taking anything away, was produced in two books. The messages were divided into three parts, called Volumes:

Book 1: This book contains Volume 1 and the beginning of Volume 2, both based on Galatians 1.

Book 2: This covers the rest of Volume 2 and Volume three, which is based upon our study of Galatians 2.

The Christian Life. Our sermon series from Chapters 3-6 focused on the need for supernatural enablement in order to live the Christian Life. These sermons were consolidated into a three-book series published in early 2020:

Book 1:  The Christian Life—Under Law or Under Grace?

Book 2: The Christian Life—The Flesh Versus the Spirit

Book 3:  The Christian Life—Walk by the Spirit


Lessons from the Book of Ephesians

The sermons from Ephesians have been preached at two different times. The Principles of the Christian Life and The Ministry of the Holy Spirit were topics from the sermon series in 2017. The sermons on Spiritual Warfare were from the return to our study of Ephesians in 2018.

Four Principles of the Christian Way of Life

The discussion of putting the pieces together so that the life of Christ is manifest among the people of God is covered in two books

Book 1 Contains the introduction to the series plus the first two life principles

Book 2: Contains the final two life principles plus the concluding summary discussions.

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit 

Book 1:  These messages help us understand and apply Ephesians 1:19: "...that you may know...what is the exceeding great power toward us who believe..."New Paragraph

Audio Series

Spiritual Warfare: The discussion of the last 15 verses of the Book of Ephesians—putting on the full armor of God--is covered in three book.

Book 1:  Provides some background including reviewing our blessing and our walk with the Lord and vital information we must understand about our adversary in the Spiritual Battle.

Book 2Covers the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the Gospel footwear, and the shield of faith.

Book 3:  Discusses the helmet of salvation and then provides three additional topics: Prayer as Part of our Spiritual Battle, a discussion of the final verses of the chapter, and an Epilogue that contains a caution for all believers to remember that our Lord has overcome the world.

Lessons from the Book of Acts

During the first half of 2016, Pastor Kevin Redig preached a series of sermons entitled The Church in Principle and Practice inspired by the first half of the Book of Acts. These sermons have been published in four books.

Book 1:  Is the Message Still Relevant? This book provides a clear explanation of the reasons that the Word of God IS still relevant in our day and age. It also outlines the pitfalls of trying to contextualize the Gospel for today's audiences.

Book 2:  Who Can Come? How Do We Come? Based upon conversion experiences in the Book of Acts, this booklet discusses in depth the Biblical proof that all God asks in order for us to be saved is belief in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Book 3: Can You See Grace? Grace, salvation, and faith are all evident as God took the first step in revealing to us the principles by which His Church is to be His body with a singular mission to make disciples

Book 4: Guarding the Gospel. In this final book in the series, taken from Acts 15, the discussion focuses on the ongoing need to maintain a pure Gospel message.

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